Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Free fast weight loss tip - Ready?

Ok, yesterday I hopefully wetted your whistle a little, nothing too serious.
Take a seat, Im about to administer a free fast weight loss tip. Its not really rocket science but here goes:

Start the day on something based more on protein and fat than carbs.
Eggs spring to mind, check out a continental breakfast, lots of cold meats and cheese. That dont seem to do that bad now do they.
Why the change in breakfast I hear you ask?

You remember yesterday when I gave you a little hint about something your body does quite naturally and has done for thousands of years? (not your body personally, thousands of years, yeah I know I slipped up there).

I wrote ??? metabolism, you remember?


FAT metabolism

Thats right but in order for that to take place two things have to occur, one of them is that your chronologically still in single figures, right, I dont need to tell you how much energy kids have got. Thats an obvious one. The other however isn't quite so obvious. follow up on this free fast weight loss tip right now and get the low down on it at http://www.theunknownweightlossfact.com/ .

I'll stop you there cause the day shift is stirring very soon and I'm supposed to be part of it, yeah, I know, it sucks dont it!

Until next time people.