Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Food That promotes weight loss

Today I'd like to keep it short and sweet.

There exists a food that promotes weight loss, its safe contrary to some beliefs, it has a host of positive benefits and best of all it speeds up weight loss.
That food is coconut oil but what are the benefits from eating coconut oil?
Well for one, eating coconut oil improves digestion and helps absorb vitamins and minerals.
The liver can break it down rapidly for energy unlike other fats that are primarily stored.
The use of this oil as energy also helps control blood sugar swings by improving insulin secretion and absorbtion
To top all this though has to be the following fact: despite being one of the most saturated fats on the planet, it actually helps stop your blood platelets from sticking together, thus reducing the risk of clots. Even though we are continually told that fat is BAD BAD BAD.
Makes you stop and scratch your head sometimes dont it!!
Read the best selling books on coconut oil by the worlds top authority:

For more foods that promote weight loss check out

Until same time tomorrow people.