Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fighting the blubber from within

Hi, sunday, late, work looming in a few hours. Had a large dinner round mum's.
Ordinarily this would have seen to it that the pounds stayed where they are at the very least.
Not today though. armed with the knowledge of science and diet, I took a few nesscesary steps to ensure this wouldnt happen. Nothing drastic mind you, I still enjoyed the dinner, wasnt like I had a plate of sprouts washed down with five glasses of water.

Its hardly rocket science, although it does help to have half a clue what your doing, you dont want to be sailing blind when it comes to dinner time.

Want to have half a clue? get the edge on your midriff, dont let it talk down to you people. check out it'll all start to make sense.
Until tommorow.
Buenos Noches Hermanos y Hermanas.

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