Friday, August 3, 2007

Salmon for breakfast - disgusting? only without pepper!

Not as bad as you might think.
Ok, so it doesn't go down quite as pleasantly as...say, frosties but the effects are far more calming on the old blood sugar levels, plus you cant really go wrong with the stuff, plenty of EFA's (essential fatty acids) the quintissential building blocks of the bodys cells.

Plus, its doesnt leave me climbing the walls two hours later, wanting another sugar top up, Why??? You'll be eye opened.

Its not something I'd care to do everyday, can get a bit, well a bit heavy first thing in the morning but you certainly wont catch me sending my sugar levels over the top either. Let me tell you this one thing people, sugar levels are everything around these parts, check it all out at:

Thursday, August 2, 2007

How long can you starve for??

Apparently about 40 days, thats the amount of time the human body can go without food.
That quite a while, over a month without eating a thing.
Yet we pack it in every three hours on average.
How do we manage to eat that much yet still remain hungry most of the day?
The body has processes that occur when food is digested. on of these involves breaking down and assimilating carbohydrates. Part of this process involves a hormone called insulin. created in the pancreas, insulin is responisible for the metabolisation of carbohydrate. Allowing the gateways to our cell Nucleus's to open, whereby the glucose molecules enter.
If this process didnt occur we'd be in very serious trouble.
Diabetes to be more precise.
Indeed, insulin plays a vital role in our body's glucose uptake and energy output.
Insulin is also resplonsible for something else, although not intentionally created to cause this hinderance, never the less, a hinderace it does cause.

Want to know what this hinderance is? come check out
and see where most weight loss diets fail miserably.
Until next time.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Food That promotes weight loss

Today I'd like to keep it short and sweet.

There exists a food that promotes weight loss, its safe contrary to some beliefs, it has a host of positive benefits and best of all it speeds up weight loss.
That food is coconut oil but what are the benefits from eating coconut oil?
Well for one, eating coconut oil improves digestion and helps absorb vitamins and minerals.
The liver can break it down rapidly for energy unlike other fats that are primarily stored.
The use of this oil as energy also helps control blood sugar swings by improving insulin secretion and absorbtion
To top all this though has to be the following fact: despite being one of the most saturated fats on the planet, it actually helps stop your blood platelets from sticking together, thus reducing the risk of clots. Even though we are continually told that fat is BAD BAD BAD.
Makes you stop and scratch your head sometimes dont it!!
Read the best selling books on coconut oil by the worlds top authority:

For more foods that promote weight loss check out

Until same time tomorrow people.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Free fast weight loss tip - Ready?

Ok, yesterday I hopefully wetted your whistle a little, nothing too serious.
Take a seat, Im about to administer a free fast weight loss tip. Its not really rocket science but here goes:

Start the day on something based more on protein and fat than carbs.
Eggs spring to mind, check out a continental breakfast, lots of cold meats and cheese. That dont seem to do that bad now do they.
Why the change in breakfast I hear you ask?

You remember yesterday when I gave you a little hint about something your body does quite naturally and has done for thousands of years? (not your body personally, thousands of years, yeah I know I slipped up there).

I wrote ??? metabolism, you remember?


FAT metabolism

Thats right but in order for that to take place two things have to occur, one of them is that your chronologically still in single figures, right, I dont need to tell you how much energy kids have got. Thats an obvious one. The other however isn't quite so obvious. follow up on this free fast weight loss tip right now and get the low down on it at .

I'll stop you there cause the day shift is stirring very soon and I'm supposed to be part of it, yeah, I know, it sucks dont it!

Until next time people.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday And Im 'A' ok

Today I'd like to blind you all with a little science, if I may.

I got myself into a little trouble late oct 2005, bit of the old type 2 diabetes.
Mangage to get the thing under control, had to drop the cookies Im afraid, but this is a good thing, believe me. Anyway to the point, one thing you hear plenty of when your diabetic, is the old term low blood sugar. I wont bore you too much with it but basically, when your blood sugar is low, you feel like crap, not dissimilar to being mildy drunk I might add.
The trouble with low blood sugar is that your body is screaming because you let it run out of juice, namely carbs but let me give you a little secret here people, carbs arent the true ancestor to our bodys energy source, oh no!
There is something far more sustainable, consistent, readily available and stable. its all there in When your body dips into low blood sugar figures, anything under 4.5, you'll start to know about it, chances are youve already felt it a million times before, perhaps you've never realised what was happening.
Something needs to happen within your metabolism for this to correct itself,
one of two things.
1. the usual approach - stuff something sugary down your neck . . . . no no no no! actually, yes if your type 1 diabetic and your going serious hypo but for the rest of us, no!
2. you allow your body to do what it has for thousands of years, give up? I'll give you a clue
??? metabolism, there, three little letters.
Take a guess. See if you can work it out.
I'll be in touch very soon people.
Alternatively, if you really cant wait that long. hold of buying that 2 litre bottle of fizzy ade, hold back on the family bag of crisps and splash out on some good old home made educational empowerment at

Keep em peeled people.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fighting the blubber from within

Hi, sunday, late, work looming in a few hours. Had a large dinner round mum's.
Ordinarily this would have seen to it that the pounds stayed where they are at the very least.
Not today though. armed with the knowledge of science and diet, I took a few nesscesary steps to ensure this wouldnt happen. Nothing drastic mind you, I still enjoyed the dinner, wasnt like I had a plate of sprouts washed down with five glasses of water.

Its hardly rocket science, although it does help to have half a clue what your doing, you dont want to be sailing blind when it comes to dinner time.

Want to have half a clue? get the edge on your midriff, dont let it talk down to you people. check out it'll all start to make sense.
Until tommorow.
Buenos Noches Hermanos y Hermanas.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The unknown weight loss fact

Hello, my first day on the blog.
Why my new website, well for one. I love information, anything new.
Makes you feel like your going forward instead of back, you know what I mean?
Its enriching, you could have the crummiest day at work, yet learn just one small thing before the day is out and you'll feel like there is more of you than there was when you woke up. Information spins the world. maybe not always in the right way but I guess reality is one big learning curve.

Anyway, my site as I was saying.

I guess basically, over the last two years I have re learnt the art of diet and nutrition from the ground up. I got myself a nasty little dose of type 2 diabetes (far too much junk food I'm afraid) and in the process had to get wise pretty quick or get extremely sick.

Looking back, I couldn't have told the difference between a carbohydrate and a v8 engine (for real folks!!) Its amazing how quickly things start to form a lasting framework in your memory, once you really need to know. Nothing like a bit of nessecity to kick start your education.
Thats it for today. Just to get myself warmed up for the future, be speaking to you all soon.

To Learn the truth behind socalled dieting, come check out something new at

See you all real soon people.

Remember, change is only a single intention away.